Anadralius the Red Dragon

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Leave it to Beav...Bieber

           Millions of teen girls. In love with the same boy. Obsessed, willing to defend at any time. These girls will die for this boy. They get jealous when he pays attention to a girl other than them. The girl who meets him must die! So should anyone who disses him of course. The girls say they will ALWAYS love him, they'll be there till the end. It's's true. It's not like New Kids on the Block, Backstreet Boys or N'sync...nooo this is totally different. This kid is like the next Micheal Jackson and these girls will love him until the end. As much as I dis like Micheal Jackson...he will always be better than this Beaver kid. I mean Thriller is an awesome song but Beaver hasn't come up with a single song worth...well...anything other than the love of millions of brain dead zombie teen girls (And maybe a few gay boys too...oh and Pedophiles...we can't leave the pedo's out).
             I have news for you ladies. In about...5ish years maybe less...perhaps more depending on how brain dead you are, your going to not love Justin Bieber as much. You will not be obsessed to the point of going to his defence every five seconds when another celeb goes and disses him. By the way Eminem is so going to have a feild day dissing this kid up. Well Assuming he's brave enough to diss the Biebs, Eminem might not want a million crazy girls attacking him with their screeching anger. There is nothing more irritating than a overly angry teen girl having a temper tantrum.Perhaps Weird Al will make a parody...or maybe not if he doesn't want to scare his valued fans. But anyway in 5 years you will be saying "Justin who?"
               Here's my reasoning. I (Well not me I was born in 2007...the person who owns me and clearly is pathetic enough to write these blogs on my behalf) was a teen once. "I was in love with this guy who may or may not have known of my existence...oh please please please I hope he doesn't know me that would be bad. Anyways when I was in grade 9/10 I was obsessed with some guy at the Bieber obsession level. I just had nobody to express my obsession with as I never met anyone else who loved him as much as I did. I was destined to marry this guy even though I'd likely have cardiac arrest if he ever spoke to me. Okay okay there was this one time he almost spoke to me but I actually walked away and went home for lunch...this makes a really funny story so shut up! I was in love and yes when someone messed with this guy I took offense...I sent him the world's most pathetic Valentines day card in the world...home made and (Okay I really would like to never speak of that again ><) But see...about 2 years later I got over him and looked back on how retarded I was. It became more of an admiration, less of an obsession and more of a "Oh crap I really hope he doesn't remember ANYTHING other than that time my friend and I wrecked all havoc at a hockey game and almost got booted out for our obnoxious behavior...good times) So there I had a silly teen crush just like EVERY other teen girl. I know how deep your connection is with this Beaver Boy and all but 1. You are NEVER going to marry him 2. Your going to hate him in 5 years 3. His music sucks 4. The Lyrics will be meaningless eventually they really are not genius but you clearly seem to think so and 5. you will grow up, find a guy to love and he will not put up with your Bieber loving BS so your choice will be to make your man happy or obsess over a loser who has no freaking clue who you are (Even if he dedicates all his stupid tweets to EVERYONE)"
               So have your fun's just a teen thing...your obsessed over guys who sound like little girls when they sing. Oh and sparkly Vampires we can't leave them out. You've got a good few years of obsessing madly on twitter. A few years of driving your parents insane every time you insist they play your stupid JB CD in the car. A few years of annoying the folk on twitter who do not obsess over Justin and a few years to grow up, face the real world and have some real fun! Trust me in a few years you'll be obsessing over how much the government screws us in the ass and how crappy this world really is with or without that Beaver Boy. The real world is harsh sweeties and your parents THEY'RE TELLING THE TRUTH! (Unless they are on welfare for no important reason other than the fact it's easier to live that way) so good luck to society.

Sincerely the messed up mind of @gnomedruid and @epicreddragon

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