Anadralius the Red Dragon

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Things that Irk me.

Beliebers taking over twitter...or just Beliebers in general: I put up with constant Bieber trends now, in a few years the next generation of teeny boppers will have some other guy to drool over. I still don't see why kids like this Bieber kid. Then again some people wonder how girls were able to obsess over BackStreet Boys or N*Sync or whatever silly boy bands were out there. But the fact is teen girls search for something to love, and they all have to love the same thing just to be like everybody else. If Suzy hates Bieber she may get shunned by her friends so Suzy starts to be Bieber obsessed just like her friends...and that's my theory on how millions of Lemming like girls came to obsess over this 16 year old sensation with a horrible haircut. Bieber in general does not annoy me because I can choose what music yto listen to. Girls worshipping this kid on the other hand get VERY annoying. So annoying that I take back all my Twilight comments. Hearing girls go gaga for Twilight was bad enough...I should have bitten my tongue because hearing girls screa, for Bieber is even worse and these girls are EVERYWHERE.

Team Follow Back: You know, those people who do nothing but tweet "Follow @dumbass he follows back...follow me folow me I'll follow back!" As if it's freaking important that they get followers. Sadly there are tonnes of idiots who do the follow back crap. Why? I have no idea. Isn't twitter for following people who are interesting? If you are going to follow someone don't do it to get more followers. Who cares how many followers you have! What matters is that you have followers who actually like your tweets! I'd take 10 people who find me interesting over 100 people who are just following me to get me to follow them so my Twitter feed can be littered with Follow Back BS. It's annoying, and you idiots who do it need a life.

Spam: need I say more? Spam on facebook or twitter is just plain annoying. NO I do not need to lose weight or enlarge my penis. I'm Female I don't even have a penis and if I did I could just purchase a brand new plastic one. I'm plastic it makes sense.

Lame Vampires: I do not like Twilight or Vampire Diaries or House of Night or any other lamo vampire. Vampires are known to seduce people but only because they want to eat them not because they want a relationship. It's common Vampire knowledge. It says so In the Monster manual where my stats are. Vampires are Chaotic Evil and they don't give a rats ass about having a conscience because being bad ass is more fun. Whatever happened to the kick ass vampires from the 90's?
There's only one good vampire I admire and thats Spike from Buffy...but he had a chip implant so the bastard had an excuse not to eat people. He was also a better actor than the other romantic vamps and he was funny as hell.

Spelling Errors: Okay yes sometimes people accidentally make an error because they are in such a hurry that they miss a key or two, but those who are just plain horrible spellers really annoy me. Those who do it on purpose piss me off more. The only reason to shorten words is if you have a good tweet and all the words won't fit unless you shorten one or two words. But shortening words out od laziness is just plain retarded. STOP SPELLING STUFF WRONG >< GAH! I also hate slang.

PETA:  Steak is yummy. So is Bacon. And Fried Chicken, and salmon know what? Tofu tastes like shit okay? How people even eat that crap I'll never understand. I eat Meat only...sometimes cheese and chcolate but mainly meat. I am a carnivore. Humans on the other hand have teeth specifically for meat and plant. Also has anyone ever noticed that PETA only defends cute animals? I bet those hypocrites kill mosquitos and spiders! Don't see too many members cuddling eels and squids in photos do we? PETA has accomplised nothing with their protests. Green Peace on the other hand deserve credit as an organization because they are stupid enough to get shot at as they chase ships and stuff. So Until PETA starts risking their lives for the cute cuddly animals nobody will care. Also Meat is yummy. It's full of essential nutrients.

MTV: All the shows on MTV SUCK! The Hills was just horrible. I was subjected to a whole half hour of the Hills and I wanted to end my life. Jersey shore also kills braincells. There's countless other dumb shows on that channel that likely kill braincells. Boys, if your Girlfriends are sucked into MTV end'll be good for them. Trust me!

The Cold: I do not like cold weather, it makes me weak. Says so in the Monster Manual. It's winter and I am pissed.

Rap Music: It sucks!

High Level Adventuring parties trying to slay me: It means I actually have to get off my ass and do something. I hate it when they arrive when I'm in the middle of a nice snooze. Or worse, this one time I was half way through taking Hoard inventory and I lost count because a group showed up and interrupted me. Don't people know it's very rude to interrupt???

The Weather Network: They're never accurate.

Theres so much more that annoys me...and I think I wrote a similar blog a few months back, but I don't care It's important that people know what irks me. Because I eat people who piss me off...or at least I used to before I became a 1 foot tall plastic dragon. The fact that I'm made of plastic also irks me. It would be nice to not rely on master to carry me around. sigh*

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