Anadralius the Red Dragon

Monday, November 1, 2010

Hoarding 101

                This is a good hoard right here in the above picture. The Minion went Trick or treating and here is all her loot. We're fortunate enough to live in a small town where we know EVERYONE who was shelling out loot so there was minimal checking of candy. I helped checked the quality of candy of course. I was very sad when they took this hoard of candy from me. I mean I should be entitled to at least 10% since I went trick or treating too.

Here's the big happy family...I dressed as a Jedi...or was it lady Gaga...maybe Gaga Jedi? Whatever I was dressed in a pink boa with a pink glow stick so there. Master was a witch (How creative) The Minion is obviously a Cat and Master's Husband just randomly threw on the fish hat...theres a knitted fish eating his head...Master's husband is one of those last minute Halloween costume type of effort what so ever.
 Here's the living room. All the stuff from the store had to go somewhere and it is. This is bad hoarding. Or at least it feels like it. We could not get to the couches, theres was no room to do anything etc. No worries's all been put away. It took 5 hours but it's all organized, out of the way and the Livingroom is back to normal. But wait...there's more...
 This is the guest room. It is impossible to enter. There's a mountain of random stuff. Some of it is actually important but most will be organized and put in a yard sale next year. Our town has a crazy yard sale day. Saturday of the Victoria Day long weekend pretty much every yard has a sale. Master has been told she can't go yard saling next year, she's to have a yard sale instead. If we go buy more junk...we'll surely end up on hoarders sometime in  the near future.

The Dinning room table. More random stuff. Mainly knick knacks but somehow Master is finding places for these knick knacks. I have no clue where she's putting them but she's managing to find places so far.
The sink...all I have to say is...Good luck.

Where is alot of stuff going you ask? In the fire place of course. Kind of like this Justin Bieber picture. Master was saving it to create a conroversial photo and well here it is! "Justin your so Hot your on Fire!" He's burning nicely too! Tomorrow we burn the book of Scientology as well as some Twilight posters (Also saved for the fire...well originally it was saved for Master's little Sisters in Law but why would she support a disease?) So Fire place is helping us get rid of garbage and it might cause some uproar if this ever gets out. So there you go. Hoarding 101...only hoard if your going to do something with the hoard like we are. Such as eating it, yard saling it or burning it. Master was given a month to put everything away...but she can probably do it by the end of the week. Burning things is fun too plus it keeps the house nice and warm. And as long as nobody touches MY hoard I won't complain.

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