Anadralius the Red Dragon

Friday, October 29, 2010

This weeks top Doody

                 I've decided to express my opinions about 5 or 6 news topics of the week. Strating with this week of course. There's much to rant about but I shall stick to just a few topics.

Farmville FAIL mom:  Because we all know Farmville is much more of a priority than a your own children. I won't even call this lady a mother, I shall call her Epic Fail Woman. A woman shook her baby to death because it interupted her valuable Farmville play time. Facebook is so damn important that you have to kill your own children. There seems to be alot of Fail Monster moms out there. Like that Alberta woman who threw her new born baby in a dumpster because she didn't even know she was pregnant! I don't care how much of a lard you are how the Hell do you not know your 8 months pregnant??? Anyways this makes me wonder...perhaps people should write a test or answer a questionaire before they are allowed to have sex...if they fail they should be spayed or neutered. It will be very benificial, think about it. No more welfare children! We all know most children who have welfare parents as examples also end up on welfare when they are adults...because its so much easier to screw the system over! If we don't act now what happened in that Idiocracy movie will eventually come true. We can't afford to de-evolve.

KFC Double Down-  the Double down sandwich from KFC had amazing sales in the last 10 days since being launched in Canada. Of course it did because we as Canadians will try anything that is contravercial. They had all sorts of health warnings and rumors of banning the sandwich. So because it's bad and unhealthy everyone had to go buy one. I find the sandwich delicious! It's two peices of chicken holding together havarti cheese, Bacon and sauce! It's mouth watering good! It's almost winter everyone can afford to put on a few pounds to keep em warmer. They say we're supposed to have a very cold winter this year.

 Rocket Launcher found on Victoria Island: not just any rocket launcher! A loaded one! One that's meant to take down tanks! Apparently it was lying in some brush along the side of a highway for approximately 6 months. My theory is someone hid it there for when the zombie appocalypse happens. We all know it's best to isolate yourself on an island because Zombies can't swim and it's easy to cull a zombie population on an island when you have an RPG. Briliant...I hope they don't locate my stash that would suck.

McDonalds sued for weight gain. some guy is getting a big sum of money because while he was managing a McDonalds he was told to taste test all the food for quality control. The bastard got free food and and he goes and sues McDonalds? What a loser! Suck it up buddy there's lots of starving people in this world. Obesity isn't the big problem of the world Starvation is and it sucks to starve. Once durring a plague a whole crapload of people died and I had less to eat...I lost like 300 pounds! It wasn't cool okay? So if weight gain is an issue and you have to go sue over it your a retard! It's not like he was forced to eat the entire damn meal (Which is what he probably did) I mean one french fry and a bite out a big mac won't make you gain that much weight...eating the entire damn menu daily will. Who's fault is that?

Time Traveller: A lady was spotted using a cell phone in a Charlie Chapplin film. She wasn't using a damn cell phone! She was holding her ear so she could listen to her voices demands better. It's science. People hear voices and they need to focus on them. It's very important. However in the event it was actually a time traveller I just want to ponder how they managed to conceal their Time travelling Delorean car.

Mariah Carey Pregnancy:  Who cares, its just another celebrity pregnancy. But then I realized how much I pity Nick Canon right now. He had the world's biggest diva on his hands to begin with and now he has a pregnant Diva. The poor soul. I also feel sorry for the child as MC is a ditz. She also can't sing...she kinda sounds like a drowning Chihuaua. But hey theres plenty of ditzy MC fans out there...I have yet to meet one that has an IQ past room temperature though. (P.S Mariah Carey sorta resembles Miss's just that Miss Piggy is hotter and can probably sing better)

                And this is the Doody of the week. Hope you enjoyed. 

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