Rule 48? What???
Joe Thornton Captain of the Sharks got a 2 day suspension and a fine for hitting a St.Louis Blue's player; David Perron in the head. It was quite the nice head shot ,however, I'd like to point out a few things. Perron practically ran into Thornton, he faked an injury...yes he cried like a little girl and acted like he was going to die. Oh but then Perron went and scored a goal later! Oh and the NHL keeps pulling new rules out of it's ass. Hockey is getting boring, and I miss the good ol days...where there was no rule number whatever. Plus we all know the refs are really tough when people break these new rules but after a few months they are soon forgotten OR the refs just get lazy and pretend they saw nothing! I mean come on! Thornton didn't actually reach out and clock the guy he merely did a center ice check...which caused much over dramatic faking of a head injury. I couldn't even fathom what would have happened if he had done this to Crosby...maybe a 2 month suspension? Not for hitting Crosby in the head though...more for making Sid The Kid whine and cry...we don't want to put up with that. There should actually be a new rule put in place specifically for Sid the Kid. Actually scratch that, pretend I never wrote that.
1.5 million fine damn those must be expensive songs!
Get this. A single mother of 4 downloads 24 songs and gets hit with a 1.5 million dollar fine. And they are serious about it! They can't keep murderers in jail but they can certainly screw over someone for illegally downloading music. Which I must add would have cost $24 to download off iTunes. But the record companies want money because they are greedy $1 a song isn't good enough? You have to harass a freaking single mother? Who does that? heaven forbid if Octomom gets caught downloading illegal songs we'd have to put up with more BS tabloid coverage on her. The lesson here is this: Don't be a pirate...but if you are don't get caught. Download millions of songs to make it worthwhile for them to fine you and if you don't like getting fined install some high power magnets in your doorway so that when your hard drive is ceased it gets screwed over...every pirate should know that little trick! Downloading is really really wrong...go murder someone instead you'll get a lesser fine for it.
Stay away from Fat people
A new study suggests that "Obese people cause a ripple effect among non-obese peers. The more non-obese peers an obese person has the greater the chance that these non-obese peers will become obese as well." Essentially if your fat and you chill with alot of Skinny people they may pick up on your habits and become fat like you. Isn't that just grand? Who the hell came up with this BS study? Why is it important? Why do people even give a rats ass? And what happens if a skinny person hangs out with all fat people? Do the Fat people lose weight? So it's okay for a skinny person to have many fat friends but not cool for a fat person to have skinny friends...I'm confused. This is an American study so it probably only applies to the USA. Not canada obviously. I mean it's clear that it doesn't apply to Canada as I have a great test subject. My master hangs out with a bunch of overweight friends (Mainly the gaming group) and they a) have not lost weight and b) she hasn't gained any. And everyone sits on their asses (Including her) for hours rolling Dice and talking while eating alot of crap. So I think this study is stupid. incase you don't believe me I posted the link to the article.
Guy Fawkes day!
Guy Fawkes plotted to blow up the British Parliament in 1605...and to celebrate people have bon fires. Especially Canadians. A Bon fire in November is great! I didn't even know who the hell Guy Fawkes was until today...but I wish I had known this because any excuse to make a fire is a good excuse. So have a bon fire and remember the 5th of November! I have a Twilight book to go burn. Not in a bon fire because it's too wet outside to have one...we're just fortunate enough to have a fireplace to burn stuff in. Happy Guy Fawkes day!
Oh yes, go to the Legion dressed as a KKK member complete with the confederate flag while having your friend in tow...face painted black and all. I actually know these people...we're not far from Campbellford Ontario. They won first place for their creation and the Legion got shut down for an investigation. The guy who dressed up as the KKK member is very sorry for his actions. He's also a former Toronto Police officer. Now here's why this is wrong: 1. A guy who knows better dressed up as a KKK member for halloween 2. The Legion let them in! 3. Not only did the Legion let them in they gave them a prize for best costume!
The excuse being used is poor judgment...but I believe since it's the legion Alcohol was likely a factor. And now I have to hear this story every 5 minutes because we live in a small town 10 minutes from where this took place and everyone knows the guy and small towns just love to gossip. Scandalicious!
And this concludes this weeks Doody!
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