The Media has decided to make a big deal over Russel Brand posting unappealing photos of his wife Katy Perry. So? In the photo she is not wearing makeup and looks to have just woken up. Russel then proceeds to post the photos on Twitter which pisses Katy off so he removes them...but the damage is done because the media now has possession of a photo. Here it is:
It's not a bad photo. Infact it's not as bad as this one:
The above pic is 100 times more disturbing than the picture Russel posted. I actually want to vomit. I mean 1. She's kissing that Bieber kid on the cheek 2. He's like what? 16? 3. Okay mainly she's kissing Bieber and he looks like he just Jizzed in his pants. Eww.
I Suppose Katy could get revenge by posting bad photos of Russel but honestly most of his photos are pretty unappealing so she'd have to post a shower pic or something and that just wouldn't be good.
So I hereby have decided to join this posting trend by posting unappealing photos of the one who owns me. She's not famous though so it's not as effective but I'm merely trying to make a point here. The following photos are of my Master. She has no make up on, her hair is a mess and in some she may have ugly expressions. Enjoy:
Theres plenty more, amazingly on facebook too. Guess she Just doesn't care about getting tagged in those horrible photos friends have taken over the years. But see it's no big deal, there really isn't a point in getting mad at horrid photos, infact horrible photos are quite funny. Will we see more celebrity photos as the year goes on? More than likely. Will people even care? Maybe for 5 seconds or so. So by tomorrow everyone will probably forget that Russel ever posted those photos of Katy. Me on the other hand...I'm praying she doesn't take revenge because the last thing I want to see when I go check up on the news is a picture of Russel Brand's butt cleavage or something...*Shudder*
You could have done better...those pics aren't that horrible...well maybe the one where I'm opening a can of pasta sauce but other than that...