My little Minion (Master's 4 year old daughter) has taken a level in Rogue over the weekend. We were all wondering what she'd be next and our questions were answered due to many events that occured over the weekend.
Minion performed an amazing Sleight of Hand last night when she snatched up her Auntie's Ipod and made off with it. There were 6 people in the livingroom and yet nobody noticed her make off with a big silver Ipod. When asked about the missing Ipod she succeeded in a Bluff check as all the adults accused Chey of simply misplacing it. We searched high and low for 20 minutes before Minion pulled the Ipod out of the Bag of potatoes and handed it to us. She also succeeded in hiding an object as we would have NEVER guessed to look in a Potato bag for an Ipod.
Minion then succeeded in moving silently in the morning. We are at the family farm, she was sleepng upstairs while Master and Master's Husband were sleeping on the couch down stairs. Either Master is going deaf or Minion suceeded in a very good Move Silently check. She Raided the fridge and played with the fish tank.
Minion helpped herself to some loot (Cake) in the fridge. She took the loot upstairs and devoured it. She attempted to wipe the chocolate evidence off her face but missed a few spots. She also left many crumbs. But the point is she snuck into the kitchen without detection. She attempted a Bluff check but failed and was put in time out. But She came close to getting away with raiding the fridge.
When we noticed that the net was in the fish tank and the Guppy was missing all eyes pointed to Minion. She admitted to it this time. However we have yet to find the fish, it died a horrible death somewhere that we do not know about. Minion succeeded in a sneak attack on the guppy, and more than likely critically hit as where ever that guppy is, it's dead.
Later that day she did a sneak attack from behind while everyone was watching TV. Nobody heard her coming until we were startled by a big "RAWR!" and she pounced onto two of her aunties. She completely caught us off guard.
I'm very happy for little minion, she's making a fine rogue. Master on the other hand is not impressed and has ideas of sewing bells into her clothing. 4 is one of those magical ages, if you think you have to keep an eye on kids at younger ages, wait till they turn 4. Minion gets into a lot of things which has forced master to put locks on doors, cupboards etc. The problem is even the baby monitor can't detect her sneaking out of her room in the evening...they may have to put noisy things on her door so they know she's sneaking out to go down stairs even though she's supposed to be in bed sleeping. We can't take our eyes off her for a second because in a flash she's into something that will likely make a huge mess. So we are dealing with the mini rogue, the one who silently sneaks around. The question is will she get better at being a little rogue or will she get worse? I guess we will have to see...for now, attaching a cow bell to her will fix the sneak attack issue, it did with the cats.
today it's cake.. Tomorrow she's a cat burglar!