Anadralius the Red Dragon

Friday, December 24, 2010

Part 4 of 4: Epic Christmas songs.

Merry Christmas Miiiiiiinnnnnnniiiiioooons! I did not forget to finish my Epic Christmas tunes series. Luckily for me my master had an appendix false alarm yesterday so I have today to bring to you 5 more songs to get you in the spirit for tomorrow. I would have blogged earlier this week but the lovely master who types my blog out for me was sick all week. She's much better now after a 5 hour hospital stay (Only to find out Doctors have no clue what's exactly wrong with her intestines) so we bring to you 5 more funny songs. Enjoy Minions. Jingle Smells Because farts are funny...if you don't think farts are nature's humor you stink.  Walking around in Women's Underwear Red Neck 12 Days of Christmas: Jeff Foxworthy Damn it I'm Vixen O Holy Night: Eric Cartman
Bonus Song: Mr Hanky the Christmas poo

There I did it. Hope everybody enjoyed. Have a safe and fun Holiday season. Don't drink and Drive or because I'll find you...nothing irks me more than stupid Drunk Drivers. Stay Insane Minions! 


Friday, December 17, 2010

Part 3 of 4: Epic Christmas songs

              8 more days until Christmas! here's 5 more Epic Christmas songs. The theme is the 5 awesome sounding Christmas songs. I was considering finding 5 versions of "Carol of The bells" because that is by far the coolest sounding carol ever and you can do so much with that song but I refrained...Everyone knows the Home Alone version is the best.
             Here they are! Top 5 kick ass songs of the Holidays: Carol of the Bells-Trans Siberian Orchestra Rudolf The Red Nose Reindeer Metal style. Metal Version of "Mr. Grinch" Come on! Everyone loves the Grinch song! Heat Miser-Thousand foot Krutch Jingle Bell Rock- Thousand Foot Krutch Damn this band is good.They made a pretty sweet Christmas rock album. I like this song!
 Have a Dragony Christmas season everyone. One more blog in this series, I shall find more funny songs.

This week's Doody (Dec 12th-16th)

Delivering The mail "Invisible Style."
A Mail carrier in Whitefish Bay Winnsconsin decided he wanted to cheer up a woman on one of his rounds by delivering the mail in the nude. That is by far the poorest excuse I have ever heard. How stupid does one have to be to think that showing up at a woman's office in the nude will cheer her up? Oh wait, my bad Americans do crazy stuff like this all the time so It's not all that uncommon. The good news is that the postal worker did realize it wasn't a very bright idea. He was arrested a few days later...WAIT HOLDUP! It took them a few days to charge the guy? I have nothing further to say on this topic! Although I think as punishment they should send him to Canada (preferably Edmonton or Calgary) to deliver mail in the nude.

You Sue, I Sue we all Sue for retarded reasons!
Guess who's getting Sued yet again? That's right! McPuke! The reason this time is even more ridiculous than that guy who is suing because McPuke made him obesse. Oh no this is even better. A group in California is suing the company because it lures children to make unhealthy choices through it's Happy Meals. Kids just want the toy so they beg and beg their parents to take them to McDonalds to get happy meals. This is a) hard on parents and b) bad because kids are at an age where they are vulnerable to marketing. I offer these lazy ass parents a solution: STOP LETTING YOUR KIDS RUN ALL OVER YOU AND PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN! If you do not want your kid eating a happy meal then just say NO! Or better yet, they just want the stupid toy and most McPuke restaurants sell them without the meal. The problem isn't marketing it's bad parenting. Kids beg and beg until parents get sick of the whining so they give in. Guess what? Everytime you give in to a child's desires they will continue to beg and beg for random crap just because they Know it annoys the hell out of you and you will give in. Next time your kid annoys you start putting your foot down, take their stuiff away if they don't shut up and maybe next time they'll THINK before whining in the back seat of the car.

Most annoying word Revealed

It's The end of the world! Build some bombs!

           A man in (Yes the USA) pleaded guilty to making bombs because he had watched the movie 2012 and feared for his family. Thus he built some bombs to protect his family when the government failed and food raiding comenced. He's from Kentucky so this explains ALOT. I personally would have used the zombie appocalypse as an excuse to build explosives so I must say this guy is a dumb ass. Also people in Kentucky should be banned from watching all fictional movies and be subjected to only Documentaries, The Hills, American Idol and Glee.

Top Ten Lists:
Thought I'd remind everyone that over the next few days we will all be bombarded with many Top ten lists. Why? It's nearing the end of the year. There will be double the lists this year as it's 2010 and we have just completed another Decade. If I find any worthwhile lists I'll blog them for everyone.

Friday, December 10, 2010

This week's Doody (December 5th-10th)

That's awesome:
           Some guy in Oregon USA decided to legally change his name to "Captain Awesome." Why? Because it's obviously a really Awesome name AND he was named after his father thus there was complications when it came to mail. Captain  Awesome's Grandmother does not like the fact that he legally changed his name. His Dad doesn't seem to mind (I'm certain he'll be just happy to stop getting his son's porn mags in the mail). When interviewed about if his girlfriend will change her last name to "Awesome" if they married the little douche said "We ain't that serious haha" Ten Points Captain Awesome that's the way to talk about your lady.

Public Service announcement: YOU ARE GOING TO HELL!
 Westboro Baptist Church members are at it again. This time they will be picketing Elizabeth Edward's Funeral with signs that read "Thank God for Breast Cancer." These are the same lunatics that protest funerals of soldiers and pretty much...well...everything. God hates alot of things doesn't he? I wonder which diety they serve? Heck even my Diety (Tiamat) the Dragon Queen isn't even as bad as what ever the heck they serve. Last time I checked (Most) Christians were peaceful, loving, non hating, giving, compassionate, very friendly folk. But there always has to be a few groups who ruin it for the rest. FYI most churches are NOTHING like Westboro, these lunatics are likely going to get a slapping from God and they should change their name to "Westboro Lunatic Cult". But I must say, they have colourful eye catching signs. Oh and if God hates Jews he must hate Jesus because Jesus was not Christian Jesus was born Jewish. Stupid uneducated Cult!

Monster Storm
         The weather network has creatively come up with a fierce nick name of a storm that is due to hit Southern Ontario on Sunday. Woopie! First Snowmageddon then Weather Bombs...where do they come up with these stupid names? Until they call a storm something like "Chuck Norris Proportions" I'm not getting worried. After all it's just another Colorado Low hitting up Ontario. Suck it up Canada! It's winter and that means SNOW!

And the Votes are in!
       Drum roll please. The top 5 celebrities most search for 2010 are: 5idiots I can not stand.
At Number 5 we have Sarah Palin. I am sick of hearing that broad's name!
At Number 4 we have Sid the Kid. But at least he accomplished something.
At number 3 we have Justin Bieber. I have nothing further to say about this.
At number 2 we have Tiger Woods. A Lion wouldn't cheat but a Tiger wood!
At Number 1 we have Lady Gaga...really? Nobody saw that coming! I mean meat dress, saying that vaginas have super powers...I'm one of the many who truly belive She/he/it is from outter space.

The "Highest" Christmas Tree

 German police say an "old hippy" is facing possible prosecution for his version of the, ahem, highest Christmas tree — a festively decorated two-meter- (two-yard-) tall marijuana plant.
      They of course broke this guy's heart by ceasing the Christmas tree. It makes me wonder. Was he high when they took it and did he think maybe the Grinch was tealing his Christmas? The guy quite literally put lights on a cannibis plant in his appartment! He planned to put present under it! I bet he planned on smoking his tree on Christmas day! And the Grinchy cops ruined his festivities. I don't agree with smoking weed but I mean come on! The guy is old, he's probably not selling his weed let the old hippy have his merry Christmas. I kind of feel sorry for the guy...I'm also envious that his tree beats my tree above the toilet in the bathroom.

So there you have it folks. There was actually lots of good material to blog about this week proving once and for all the world is still going down the toilet like a little peice of doody. Have a great Holiday season everyone and remember kids, don't get caught with a 6 foot tall Cannibis Christmas tree.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Epic Meal Time om non nom

             I have become a fan of a youtube group known as "Epic Meal time". First of all they are Canadian. Secondly Their cooking skills are seriously EPIC. They put the Double Down to shame. Basically what they do is make really delicious fattening food, film the process, count all the calories and then sit down and chow down on thir creations. They have created Epic creations such as: The epic Pizza (A pizza made out of fast food), The Meat Log (eaten by a really Hot Gamer Chick.), The Greatest Sandwich ever (A french toast french bread sandwich covered in bacon, poutine and Maple Syrup) and the best one yet The Turbacon. I'd explain the Turbacon but you must see this for yourself: 
           I'm really Hungry now. I feel like a Turbacon but probably can't afford to make one. I'm looking forward to more of their creations, these guys (And Hot gamer Chick) are EPIC! And I don't use the term EPIC lightly.